Hi all,
I am actually at home today because of an appt. later. Decided to check my school email and found an invite to Twitter. Well, I guess I need some assistance. I realized I had already registered but really cannot figure out what to do with Twitter. Even checking the help menu etc... hasn't helped. Old brain syndrome I guess.
Oh, and I had an unusual but fun week last week. Our school was finally able to start working with the mobile labs that were purchased at the beginning of the school year. Apparently, some glitches caused delays. There is supposed to be a tech aide hired to work primarily with the laptops. This person will not be allowed to do any teaching. Because they are only posting for the position, in the next week or so, they hired a substitute teacher for me and I went around to the classes last week orientating the teachers and students. It was a great experience! There are definitely some issues. Some of the laptops shutdown in the middle of students work, a couple of them wouldn't shut down. Some had updates start or had second log on screens come up. We just kept pulling out laptops to replace those. There were one or two that did not start. I'm hoping that the connections had not been plugged in tightly.
Students and teachers both seemed very excited. The teachers are rightly concerned about how to schedule the labs. There is one mobile lab for each grade level 1st - 5th. There are only 15 laptops in each lab. Since we have anywhere from 22 to 27 students in a class with 3 - 4 classes per grade, that will be a major issue. I used two labs in each class for the orientation to make sure each student had one.
The projectors and teacher laptops that are stationed on the top of the carts are not tied down yet and we almost lost a projector. There is supposed to be a digital camera with each cart also but will be coming later I guess. The labs will eventually be kept in one of the grade level classrooms but until then they are crammed into the head room that is located within the Media Center office. Last year it was decided that we as media specialists could not have a key. My principal had to come down to open the room up each time I had to get it. That, of course, will change when they are in the classrooms. Sorry if those last comments sounded crabby but that has been a sore point with us media specialists.
Well, I guess I’ve written a book so will close. Looking forward to Friday. Have a good week!
5 years ago
I sympathize. I think it's clear I get bothered with assumptions. There is so much important work out there emphasizing the "digital gap" & how it continues to grow - it is the nature of the beast.
Looking forward to more discussions.
all the best,
I can identify with everything you've said in your blog. I've run into problems just like yours when trying to learn some new technology and when teaching something using technology.
I'm actually very excited to read your blog because I'm experiencing many of the same things. I mull stuff over quite a bit myself and am annoyed when I can't remember what I was going to write. Now I try to just do the writing and mulling at the same time. I'm so glad you did the legwork and looked for some other media specialist blogs. I haven't had time to do that yet but I'll look into yours.
I had this in my del.icio.us account and thought that you might find it useful on ways that librarians/media specialists can use Twitter. There are also links to guides on how to use Twitter. http://www.collegeathome.com/blog/2008/05/27/twitter-for-librarians-the-ultimate-guide/ or the tinyurl http://tinyurl.com/6qv8hw
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